Sunday 30 January 2022

witches runes

Thursday 5 January 2017

All too true. INTP was the first type I got and I always read other descriptions and think, "That's me, too." Maybe I'm not totally one, but this is still my primary.

And then people call you arrogant and your like fuck... I was trying to understand so that I can either give you advice or empathize with you...

Six tips for your INTP. Basically how to care for yours. Haha too true

What this mean to you ? 

Friday 25 November 2016

learn from your own depression

I had depression...and What I learned from my depression experiences....that there is sunny day and rainy day.... something that I never discover in my body...that I have a soul... And depressing state give me happiness but hiding deep inside my give the power of imagination...and each day I give myself time to thinking about the meaning of life... and I dont know when Im gonna depressed like 2008 again..hated to be in that state again... Instead of hate ..i am also grateful for things that happened.... thank you....

eng kuk deity of semai people

I imagine what ENKU was... I think it some sort of deity... I think maybe she is the cousin of THOR.....

the brain

Our brains use much more energy than we should be... those 2000 kcal... is send to our brain everyday just to keep it working... So our brain is much more bigger than it should be and it use much more energy than it should be

witches runes